Due dates for filing of Statement and Challan

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The due dates for filing statements for different forms are as per the below table:

Quarter Period Government Deductor Non-Government Deductor
Q1 1 Apr-30 June 31st July 15th July
Q2 1 July-30 Sep 31st Oct 15th Oct
Q3 1 Oct-31 Dec 31st Jan 15th Jan
Q4 1 Jan-31 Mar 15th May 15th May

Form 24Q, Form 26Q & Form 27Q

Period  Government Deductor Non-Government Deductor
Tax Deducted from April to February Tax deposit without Challan i.e. through Book entry-Same Day 

Tax Deposit Through Challan

7th of Next Month

7th of next month
Tax Deducted in March from 1st to 31st March Tax deposit without Challan i.e. through Book entry-Same Day

Tax Deposit Through Challan

7th of Next Month

30th April

The Due Date of Filing Quarterly Statement of TCS (27EQ) is as below:

Quarter Period Government Deductor Non-Government Deductor
Q1 1 Apr-30 June 15th July 15th July
Q2 1 July-30 Sep 15th Oct 15th Oct
Q3 1 Oct-31 Dec 15th Jan 15th Jan
Q4 1 Jan-31 Mar 15th May 15th May

Source: TRACES

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