TDS not applicable on service rendered by Tenants Association to members even if the same is for remuneration

On the facts of the present case, we have noted that there is no finding by any of the authorities below that services are rendered to non-members. There is a reference to the services rendered to the outsiders in the orders of the authorities below, but it is in the context of analysis of judicial precedents, and, therefore, nothing turns on that. As long as services are rendered to the members, even for a remuneration, the same will be covered by the principles of mutuality. As far the allegation that members have deducted at source from payments to the assessee and for this reason, the receipt is to be taken as taxable receipt, it is only elementary that conduct on the part of the person making payment cannot determine character of receipt in the hand of recipient. That apart, it is also a fact of life that sometimes taxpayers err on the side of excessive caution and deduct taxes as a measure of abundant caution. The mere deduction of tax at source by person making the payment in our humble understanding, cannot lead to the conclusion that receipt was taxable in nature. It is too native to the accepted or to be even given a serious consideration. The factors relied upon by the authorities below, in rejecting assessee plea, are not germane to the context and devoid of legally sustainable merits. The plea of the assessee for tax exemption on the ground of mutuality, therefore, must succeed.

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