NEW FVU Files released by TIN-NSDL

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New File Validation Utilities – FVU 3.4 & 2.132 has  been released pertaining to validation of eTDS & eTCS returns.

FVU 3.4 will be applicable for quarterly TDS / TCS statements pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards & FVU 2.132 will be applicable for quarterly TDS / TCS statements pertaining up to FY 2009-10.

Key features of File Validation Utility (FVU) version 3.4:

  • FVU 3.4 will be applicable for quarterly TDS / TCS statements pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards.
  • Deductor can now quote the Date of deduction beyond the quarter.
  • FVU version 3.4 will be applicable with immediate effect.

Key features of File Validation Utility (FVU) version 2.132

  • FVU 2.132 will be applicable for quarterly TDS / TCS statements (regular and correction) up to FY 2009-10.
  • Deductor can now quote the Date of deduction beyond the quarter.
  • FVU 2.132 will be applicable with immediate effect.

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