Online TDS Statement Correction without Digital Signature at TRACES

CPC (TDS) has provided new enhanced features, to further add to the convenience of online facility of filing corrections to the TDS Statements. With this feature, you will be able to submit Online Corrections at TRACES without even having a Digital Signature. Currently over 20,000 deductors are already using the online facility for corrections.

To avail the facility, it is requested to Login to TRACES and navigate to Defaults tab to locate “Request for Correction from the drop-down list. Click to Proceed in absence of Digital Signature.

Pre-requisites for filing online Corrections:

  • Digital Signature is not mandatory to be registered on TRACES for raising online corrections.
  • Only Challan Correction is permissible in absence of Digital Signature. Digital Signature enables you to carry out PAN Corrections as well.
  • Correct KYC information needs to be submitted for the purpose of validation.
  • Online request can be submitted, only if there is a regular statement already filed and processed.
  • All previous corrections pertaining to the statement should have been processed and the processing status can be verified from the Dashboard.

Functionalities available without Digital Signature:

Challan/BIN Correction

  • A list of all Matched and Unmatched challans can be viewed by clicking the appropriate tab.
  • Matched challans can be corrected for Amount Claimed as Interest and Others. Please note that Matched challans cannot be tagged.
  • Unmatched challans can be corrected and tagged to Deductee rows in the statement.
  • In addition, NO CHALLAN, which has been used for other purposes outside the system, should be tagged.
  • The corrections to above challans can be reset by clicking the Reset tab, if this requires to be further corrected.

Additional Functionalities available with Digital Signature:

 PAN Correction

  • Invalid to Valid PAN: The correct name of the Valid PAN will be displayed in Name as per changed PAN.
  • Valid to Valid PAN: If the new PAN entered is Invalid, a message is displayed in the Action Status. Please note that there is only one opportunity for a Valid to Valid PAN correction.
  • All the corrected rows can be viewed by clicking on Show Edited Rows on the screen.

Action Summary:

  • After carrying out all the corrections, Action Summary can be referred for all changes carried out.
  • Please click Confirm for all intended changes and the statement is ready for submission.

Actions to complete Submission:

  • Please navigate to Defaults tab to locate Corrections Ready for Submission.
  • Click on Submit for Processing, which will prompt to digitally sign the submission.
  • Once the correction is submitted successfully, a Token Number for the same will be available.

8 thoughts on “Online TDS Statement Correction without Digital Signature at TRACES

  1. TVS

    Y is Challan Date correction not available in ITR1 of previous years? Y do we always have to go to CPC BLR or to AO for this obvious mistake as the Correct Challan date is always available on 26AS Statement of the Tax Payer?

  2. BImal

    Is there any penalty/late fees for Government deductors for late submission of 26Q TDS original returns of FY 2011-12 submitted in FY 2014-15?

    1. harish

      late filing fee will not be levied for the returns filing of quarters before q2 fy 2012-13 because 234e is not in existence for the financial years before 2012-13 q2 .


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