How to Download TDS Certificate in Form 16B?

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Government has made it mandatory w.e.f 01.06.2013 on buyer of property to deduct TDS @ 1% on payment made after 01.06.2013 if Purchase Consideration of the Property exceeds Rs. 50 Lakh.  

Deductor can pay such TDS by any of the following mode:-

Either make the payment online (through e-tax payment option) immediately or make the payment subsequently through e-tax payment option (net-banking account) or by visiting any of the authorized Bank branches. However, such bank branches will make e-payment without digitization of any challan. The bank will get the challan details from the online form filled on

Once the Payment is made now the dedcuctor is required to issue TDS certificate in form 16B to the seller of the Property. Now the question is how to prepare or from where deductor can get such certificate for the purpose of issue to the seller? Answer is deductor can download such certificate from Traces website and issue to the seller.

Procedure to Download TDS certificate in form 16B is as follows:-

1. Login to:

2. Click on Register New User and you will be asked to provide basic details such as your

  • PAN
  • Date of Birth
  • Last, Middle and First Name and would also be required to further validate details of either tax deducted (option 1) or tax paid by you (option 2).

3. On Validation of details, your account will be created.  User ID by default would be your PAN, You would have the option of providing Pass word of your choice.  A email would be automatically generated providing you an activation link with a second code being text on your mobile.  Having activated your account, it is now ready to be used.  Services currently available are view 26AS statement and down load Form 16B in case you are the buyer of immovable Properties.  May be in near future you are able to download your Form 16 or 16A also through this window.

To download form 16B, go to download, click on request for form 16B, validate details and submit your request.  After some time the same shall be available under download menu. Click on download, click of available and download and save it your computer.

Print, sign and deliver it to the seller.


177 thoughts on “How to Download TDS Certificate in Form 16B?


    I am satisfied with your TDSMAN programme , veru useful details & information giving by you. Lot of Thanks

  2. Amit Zala

    Hello Sir,
    i have one query. i am in very much in tension.
    Recently i bought a property and for paying 1% TDS. i filled up all the details in form 26QB then it redirected me to bank website and there some for apeared.
    to enter amout it had various options,
    1.Income Tax
    3.Education Cess
    from above options i entered amount in fee box and i paid amount. transection completed successfully and i got challan receipt. but even after 3 days i am not able to download 16B form.
    later on i saw on webpage there is note written that you have to enter amount in Income Tax box.

    so, can you help me what shold i do now ?
    is my money have gone to TDS or somewhere else ?
    is there a way to fix or cancel the challan ?
    can i get my money back ?
    bluring details for privacy.
    Many thanks in advance.


    I could easily download Form 16B up to June,2017 for earlier installments towards purchasing a Flat.
    But for my payment made on 13.9.2017 , I am not able to Download Form 16B though it is showing “Available” in the system. I have followed the same procedure for the TDS i.e., filling up the Form 26QB, depositing the amount through internet banking and requesting for 16B.
    As Download is allowed only for 30 days so, please advise me what to do.

  4. Kameswaran

    I have made my request for the TDS form on 15th spec 2017. Though now the requested downloads indicates it is available, I am not able to down load it. No download is happening. Pl. advise what I should do now

  5. nitin joshi

    I struggling to download form 16B.
    I am buyer of property & I had paid TDS on sale of property on 07th Jul’17 after filling form 26QB
    After which as per guidelines, I had registered as new user on “Tax Payer” tab on Trace website with My PAN & set a password.
    Now when I am trying to login under tab “Tax Payer”. It is asking me “TAN for Deductor /PAN for Tax Payer/ AIN for PAO*” as mendatory details while login. I try putting my PAN no as well as Developers PAN No over there, but with no success. Every-time I do, it locks my account.

    Until I login in there, I wont be able to download form 16B
    Please help

  6. Neel Iyer

    I got the confirmation email from TDS. — Intimations : Sub : Regular Statement for Acknowledgement Number with details that the file is generated. But in the website, it shows error.

    “No data available for the specified Assessment year, Acknowledgement number and PAN of Seller. Please resubmit the request again”
    All details entered is correct.

  7. Puneet Kumar

    Hi, I have recently bought a flat and paid 1% TDS online. When trying to register on TRACES, its neither accepting my challan number nor the 26QB acknowledgement number. Does it take some time for it to reflect the details? I paid TDS using

  8. Dibyendu

    At the time of downloading 16B by clicking http download zip contins txt file. How I converted it into pdf. Plz reply

  9. Pankaj Kumar

    I made TDS of 1% on purchase of a flat and deposited the same the next day. Got an Acknowledgement from IT Depp after a few days. While registering on TRACES using Option-3, I am not able to complete the registration probably due to incomplete detail on “Requset ID/ Correction ID”. It appears so strange and irrelevant, and no website clarifies this detail. Can someone help please !!


    I need to open an account on TRACE to generate for Download form 16B for TDS paid on property purchase.

    I need help to know what should I feed in column of Request Id/ Correction Id??

    I am not able to find the same in form 25QB acknowledgement receipt or in bank receipt.

    Please guide.

  11. Sitanshu

    Form 26qb was filled on se 14 and tds @1% was paid online. But the details are not showing on form 26as.

    What should I do?

  12. Sourabh Paul

    I followed the procedure but the form16B is still in submitted status. Its been 24 hours now. When does it become available for download?

  13. Sandip Dube

    I have filled-up all my details correctly while doing registrations including captcha also. Its showing error message like Invalid details.
    Could you please help.

  14. rajesh vadgama

    i have paid tds on sale of property on april but uptil now 16b is not visible in download section what to do.

  15. Ripsy

    hello ,
    after paying tax under form 26QB I tried to download form 16B from traces but when i entered the detail in order to request for download 16b the error is shown which says No data available for the specified search criteria nor is it showing any details in 26AS. I had even sent an email to there support team. Its been 20 daysbut still no response .please help

  16. shruti

    hello ,
    after paying tax under form 26QB i got registered to traces to download form 16B but when i entered the detail in order to request for download 16b the error is shown which says No data available for the specified search criteria. please help

  17. Neha Singh


    I have cut TDS of 10% while purchasing property from NRI seller. But Form16B shows only 1% amount.
    Can any one advise. How to get it rectify.

  18. Vanshika

    dear sir,
    I have purchased a resale flat for 62 Lac on APR 2014 and I was not aware of 1% TDS need to be paid. I have made a full payment of 14 Lac by cheque and 48 Lac by bank loan without deducting any TDS.
    Now I have received mail form TDS saying 26QB Statement not yet filed for Purchase of Property during FY 2014-15
    I have contacted seller to give me the TDS amount and i am ready to pay late fees¦but seller is not ready to pay..what should be done?? is there any way that we can ask seller legally to pay it??

  19. Harshad

    Dear Sir, I have paid the TDS on sale of property online and got the acknowledgment number. I am trying to download form 16 to provide the same to the seller. But while Registering as new user in tax payer I am stuck in the option 3 mentioned as ” Correction ID” request which i do not have kindly confirm what is the correction ID.

  20. Amit Kumar

    I deduct money from the seller for TDS and deposited online on 1st Feb, 2016 and trying to register as a tax payer to download form 16b but the site is showing error as “The details provided in Option 2 are not valid. Please enter valid details”. Please suggest what to do. Also, in amount, i have to enter amount deposited in challan or total property value??

  21. Sujith


    I am not able to register as a new user. I am getting this error : First Name or Middle Name or Surname or Date of Birth is not as per PAN Master. Where can I check my surname as per PAN Master?

  22. Om Band

    When I click “Request for form 16B” it gives the following message…
    “Form 16B Correction has been temporarily disabled. Form 26QB Correction will be available by first week of March 2016.”

    Are 16Bs completely discontinued?

  23. Nishank Joshi

    I paid the TDS on behalf of the buyer online. However, due to a cpmputer crash , I do not have the challan numbers generated. I only have the form 26QB. Is there anyway I can retrieve the challan numbers from the bank ?
    Kind of urgent … Please help.


    1. TDSMAN Post author

      Dear Pandhari,

      You have to use the TAN number of the deductor as password for seeing the PDF file of tds certificate.

  24. Parul

    i had paid the tax through internet banking for on purchase of property 26 qb but did not take a print of it. I have the acknowledgement number for the paid tax. From where can i retrieve the acknowledgment receipt. AND FOR 26QB ans 16A PRINTOUT.

    1. TDSMAN Post author

      Dear Vijay,

      Part B should either be provided from your Payroll software or TDS software. This information cannot be downloaded from Traces website.

  25. Harshad

    I have entered the TDS amount in the OTHERS category instead of Income Tax, in banks website. I heard, this wont be reflected in form 16B (16B will show zero amount debited)
    How can i correct this in 16B.
    Help please

  26. Amit Seth

    Hi ,
    I have paid TDS through bank 2 days back and then submit request twice for form 16b but both time after few hours i received msg No data available for the specified Assessment year, Acknowledgement number and PAN of Seller. Please resubmit the request again. Please let me know if there is any solution, i need this asap to submit to builder

    1. Sachin Verma

      I am getting the same error while requesting download 16B

      No data available for the specified Assessment year, Acknowledgement number and PAN of Seller. Please resubmit the request again.

      Does anyone know what is the resolution here?


  27. Lucky

    Thanks you admin for putting this in nice steps :)
    Would like to add one catch (kind of bug i can say).
    If you try to ‘Register as New User as Taxpayer’ then while choosing new password
    DO NOT use special chars (; , & @) . I wasted my 1 hour by wondering why it’s not taking pwd :). At last when i entered without special chars and it was through.

    Till date this is TRUE. may be Govt may fix this bug tomorrow ;-)

    Wish you luck :)

  28. Ramesh

    After online payment of TDS, three time requested for generating 16B form, but its showing “No data available for the specified Assessment year, Acknowledgement number and PAN of Seller. Please resubmit the request again”

    Once requested for form 26AS, that is available against last TDS payment, but my requirement is again June payment, after that I had mail to “” for help to generate from 26AS and 16B, first reply they were demanding PAN, contact No etc.. which was already sent, once again I have sent form 26QB and bank taxpayer counterfoil, in that all details of taxpayer are available, now reply received to provide Form 26AS and 16B, which is my original requirement.

  29. Sandeep

    Hi, I have paid tds online tru bank. I have also logged in Traces website successfully. It has been 12 plus days after paying TDS online but still when I am clicking on Download Form 16 B and entering all required data it is telling –

    “No data available for the specified search criteria”

    Please help

  30. Rohit

    I have downloaded the 16B form today..

    It is showing all the details of the amount which i had paid in Seller PAN account.
    But in the end there is statement

    I Rohit, Son of …. In the capacity of buyer of immovable property (designation) do hereby certify that a sum of 0.00 (Rs Zero) has been deducted and deposited to the credit of the Central Government. I further certify that the information given above is true, complete and correct and is based on the books of account,documents,TDS statements,TDS deposited and other available records.

    What this statement means… I do not understand.

  31. pradeep kumar nair

    In form 26QB can the date of tds deducted be a earlier date than the date of payment/date of credit.
    As my seller is insisting on bringing the tds certificate number in sale deed i have to deposit the tds 15 day before so that i can take tds certificate after a weak and bring the tds details also in sale deed.

  32. pankaj

    Hi, I have submit the challan & made the payment also. BT I have put wrong property address in TDs for property challan. Pls tell me how to correct it.

  33. Doraiswamy PS

    I am an NRI. Is it a Mandatory requirement to send the physical copy of Form 16B to the seller? Is it ok if I scan and send him, as an email attachment?

  34. Prajakta Churi

    Not able to download Form16B since last 15 days. Site is not supporting . Everytime try to login the interenet page can not be displayed

  35. jyotindra Ganara

    To down load Form 16B , you write Acknowledge # from Form 26QB or from ChallanITNS280 , Challan Sr No or BSR Code # , not in position to down load ,plz help me out


    Hi, I need to download form 16B. I was trying to register in the TRACES website. However, everytime after i submit filling in the details, i get an error that “first name or middle name or surname or Date of birth does not match the PAN master”. I looked out for the details from the Know your PAN website and the information I have furnished is correct. Do not know how to solve this?

    1. Ganesh Urs

      Mr. Sudarshan,

      I am also facing the same issue. How did you resolve this one? Please share the details.


  37. Damodar

    I have the same question as the one posted by Walter on Jan 19, 2015
    Is there a clear reference as to where this number is obtained from?
    If this is the CIN number in the counter foil issued by the bank, then which of the 20 digits qualify as challan number as input under this section is restricted to 5 digits. Is this the last 5 digits or the first 5 digits?
    Not an easy site to follow what appears to be a straight forward process..

  38. Bhushan

    I have paid my TDS for Immovable property over 50Lac on 20th Dec 2014. While trying to register on TRACE, it says First name, Middle name or Surname does not match with the PAN. All the details entered are correct. Please suggest.

  39. Walter

    I have paid the TDS online as per form 26QB. When try to register under traces, I need to enter the challan serial number? Where can i find this challan serial number and what is my challan serial number. Appreciate your urgent response

  40. BALAJI S

    I have entered the TDS amount in the OTHERS category instead of Income Tax, in banks website.
    I heard, this wont be reflected in form 16B (16B will show zero amount debited)
    How can i correct this in 16B. Requesting experts help.Tks

    1. Radhika

      Hi I did the same mistake , entered the TDS amount in others did you manage to change? If yes, please share the procedure

  41. Lalit

    I paid TDS on property but I lost my form 26QB acknowledgement number.
    How can I retrieve 16B now from TRACES website?

      1. Ramesh

        Hi Kapil,

        Am facing same issue, TDS was paid one week back, but form 16B still not available, You have any idea after how many days we are able to get form 16B? Mail send to, all the time same reply to provide documents even all are provided.

  42. Rag

    Ashok N – I also have the same issue of zero value, I have checked with account department and they told that It is possible to download 16b after correction, but I don’t have steps to do it.

    Pl share if you have already done it. thanks.

  43. Jash Kumar Singh

    If TDS paid on line thru for 26Qb , does copy of form 16b sent to yr email address after stipulated days ?
    i am unable to register as user on Traces as i donot have a challan no or assement year

  44. Ashok N

    I have paid TDS of RS.13,360.00 through on-line payment. Download of form 16B shows deposit value as zero value, looks like I have tried the correction mode and failed to correct. Now I am unable to correct FORM 16B, but the deducted value shows up in form 26AS. Please advise what needs to be done to correct FORM 16B, if correction is not allowed what are the options available?. Thanks.

  45. Abhishek Lal

    Another one of totally user-unfriendly websites of the GOI. When will the developers of these websites start caring about the user experience. Filling in the TDS under 26QB was a pain and now getting the Form 16B is a challenge in itself through this site.

    I have registered on the website but didnot receive the email confirming the registration. Now there is no way to check if I’ll receive the confirmation email ever or no. When I try to re-register it says that the request for registering my PAN is already received. But it does not tell me the status of my request or does not let me check the details that I had given for the registration. May be I entered my email incorrectly but there is no way I can check or rectify it. Its frustrating.

  46. yuvaraj

    i paid already 1% of proerty tds throught my online bank account. However, I am unable to register on the TRACES website, it is asking for either TAN number of bank Challan number. I have neither of this, how can I register on TRACES site?

  47. yuvaraj

    i paid already 1% deductible tax months back thru my online back account. However, I am unable to register on the TRACES website, it is asking for either TAN number of bank Challan number. I have neither of this, how can I register on TRACES site?

  48. yuvaraj

    1% deductible tax months back thru my online back account. However, I am unable to register on the TRACES website, it is asking for either TAN number of bank Challan number. I have neither of this, how can I register on TRACES site?

  49. Kris Saha

    I am na NRI, paid the 1% deductible tax months back thru my online back account. However, I am unable to register on the TRACES website, it is asking for either TAN number of bank Challan number. I have neither of this, how can I register on TRACES site?

  50. Mona Gupta

    I am an individual who has paid TDS @1% of the property I purchased. I am not able to download FORM16B as while doing validation I can’t fill the details of the Challan number (5 digit) as I had paid the TDS online through my Bank account. Please clarify from where do I get this challan number?

  51. Ashok Mehta

    On Traces website, it asks for TAN details, which individuals do not have. So, I tried to log on to incometaxindia website. On that site, I am not able to get “Request for Form 16B” option under Downloads. Can you help in this regard??

    1. CS Vandana

      Kindly register on traces as Tax payer, you will not be required to mention TAN in that case but PAN will be asked. Register in this way.

  52. amit

    For NRI’s, FORM 16b will be only available if they ask someone to login from indian location, nri website doesn’t have links for form 16b, so only option is to get into local indian network.

    Hope this helps.

  53. K Chandran

    I have been faced with the same problem viz., registration, as others in registering with TRACES for the last over one year. I have found that, neither talking to their CC nor e-mailing them in this regard, as an exercise in futility. It is the case of one, pretending to be sleeping.

    While in India, I was unable to register. Now I am in US and I am taken to the nri site of And while I am able to register from here and get a message that registration is successful with Traces, I get a mail after a while, saying “authentication failure”. On taking up with, I get only a stock reply seeking details. On furnishing the requested details, including the screen shots of details provided at the time of registration, we are back to square one, as we get the same standard stock reply back again.

    Earlier, one could view / print / save ( in XL or PDF format ) Form 26AS w/o any problem but today it is not possible. Now it has become impossible from here.

    I need the Form 16B for my son, to be submitted to the buider. And I feel helpless. I am at a loss now, as from whom / whom, I have / need to seek help for resolution to the problem.

    Today, though we are much better of, with most of things being online, things which earlier / hitherto had been been made easier like Form 26AS, have become rather difficult now. Instead of simplyfying the things / procedures further, they have become / been made more difficult.

    We have now come a long way, with dispensation of most of the manual things. But, what is required now is streamling things in a better and organised way. The need of hour is prompt resolution of the problems addressed and more sensitiveness to the specific requirements and problems faced by the tax payer.

    I do not understand the need for registration with TRACES and TIN NSDL, once we are registered with ITD for online filing of I Tax return etc.,

    There is a need for progressive steps to make things simpler for the tax payer.

    We can see from the plethora of mails in this regard for over an year or may be almost 2 years, nothing seems / appers to have been done in the interim. It is really a sad state of affairs.

    1. RANJEET


      The problem of registration at TRACES is very common and is being faced by almost 90% people.

      The thumb rule is that if U have already deposited some amount as advance/ self assessment tax thru challan, it will be easy to register thru that.
      But, still the download of form 16B will be from India only which can be done by sending the user ID, password and the details of ack no. for Form 26QB (For TDS on property) and PAN card no. of seller.

  54. Arindam


    I am facing a similar problem as many others accessing the NRI link for TDS, in this forum. I have paid TDS and can download 26AS. However, I do not see any link that allows me to submit request for form 16B. I called up the call Centre and they said that currently the NRI site does not have the option of Form 16B. Is anyone aware as to why it would be blocked for NRIs? And if so, why is the builder asking us to furnish 16B? can’t they use the details in 26AS alone? Any information will be much appreciated.

    1. RANJEET

      Dear Sir,


      Unfortunately, the link of Form 16B download is not available in NRI Link so far.
      Please send user ID and password to any Indian friend/ relatives in India with the details of form26AS (Ack No. and PAN of seller of property) to download the same.

      It will be in WinZip and PDF format which can be extracted by using WinRAR software also (All Window & onward OS has).

  55. Abhay Tidke

    I have completed my 15 days after paying my TDS on property however still not able to get link to download form16B. I am using NRI link.

    Kindly help !!

    1. RANJEET

      Dear Sir,

      Unfortunately, the link of Form 16B download is not available in NRI Link so far. Please send user ID and password to any Indian friend/ relatives in India with the details of form26AS (Ack No. and PAN of seller of property) to download the same.

      It will be in WinZip and PDF format which can be extracted by using WinRAR software also (All Window & onward OS has).

  56. MJ

    I noticed that my last name had to be “LastName FirstName”. Had to figure this out after lot of trail and errors…!!! Good luck folks.

  57. A K Asthana

    I have tried to register as new user using the link provided. But it asks for TAN details. Whether to deduct tax on Housing Properties, buyer have to obtain TAN. If so, what about the tax already submitted using PAN details of buyer and seller.

  58. Karunakar

    I have registered with TRACERS but I cant find any option available for downloading form 16b for TDS I have paid. can you guide me how to download this form

  59. sanjiv

    It is necessary to submit the signed form 16 B to seller , the TDS amount must be appearing under 26 AS of seller.

  60. Rahul

    Has anyone got any reply from
    I am also on the same boat, trying to access form 16B from TRACES site from outside india. I am able to download 26AS but I don’t see any option for form 16B. Please help ??

  61. Rohan

    Hi, I am trying to login and able to download 26AS. However, I dont see any link that allows to submit request for form 16B. I am accessing NRI link of trace. Please let me know what I am missing. I created my account as tax payer. Please advice.

  62. Sid

    How can I file for a income tax return for the tax paid for this 1% TDS on property purchase? what is the process and procedure and which Sahaj Form to be used?

  63. Aishwarya

    Is there a way for me to edit Form 16B. Basically I dont see any details in Part 1 of the form and the builder sayd that the TDS does not show against their account and PAN. They have also shared a sample and they are right. How can I get this rectified. It shows the amount against Part 2 of form 16B. But 0Rs against part 1.

  64. Shraddha Raman

    I have few cash certificates with two banks where the interest has crossed Rs.10,000/- p.a. The banks have not informed me about TDS deduction. They deducted it on renewal consecutively for three years. Now I have come across the same and want the same to be refunded back to me as my income is not taxable I canot get a refund/benefit.
    Should I ask the bank for the TDS cerificate and Cash Certificate Interest Certificate and what is the process for the same and also please inform regarding the refund process.

  65. Srinivas D

    Hi , I cant able to download Form 16 . When I click download the from 16 all the blanks are empty .

    Previously I got Form 16 , but in that address was wrong .

      1. P V

        @Ram Kumar: Can you please help? My 15 days are over since I paid the TDS yet I cannot see anything on the TRACES website. I am accessing the NRI link.

    1. Ram

      I registered through TRACES NRI website and paid TDS 1st week of Jul-14. Even today (14-Aug-14), i do not see option to download Form 16B on TRACES. Though in Form 26AS, it reports the TDS details i paid. Any help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks!

    1. M T

      You can use any pdf merge utility like adobe acrobat pro, if you dont have TDS filing softwares like winman TDS.

  66. nancy goyal

    Not able to generate form 16B .For registration it calls TAN number. i am not having TAN no.Those who have generated 16B can help me.many users are facing similer problem.can income tax department resolve the issue for all

  67. SQA Kazmi

    I also have same problem. After depositing the amount through form 26BQ, I received the challan from the bank. Now I am unable to register because it says the inforation is not correct, without giving details of which information.
    The website and the process is very user-unfriendly. Clear instructions and help are not provided.

  68. anuj garg

    hi, i am a nri and i have paid my tds. i am not able to find 16b link on traces site. please help.

  69. Apriya

    I am trying to register as new user & it is asking TAN number ,do I need TAN number for registeration , if so how can I obtian it ?

    1. M T

      if you are a deductor only you need a TAN no , else you could create a user account unsing your PAN number

  70. Nikhil Manchanda

    I have registered on the traces website ( NRI website) and can view the form 26AS . When I open it , I can see details of the property tax paid (online challan through bank) . But I cannot see the option to download the form 16b . What could be the problem ? Could anyone please help

    1. Krishna

      Same problem I am facing, Not able to see any form 16B download form, I have mailed at ‘’, let’s see if it helps.

    2. Anuj Garg

      Hi Nikhil,

      I am also experiencing the same problem. If you found the solution to your problem, please share with me.

  71. Anushree

    I recently purchased a property and uploaded form 26QB and deposited the tds deduction through Bank. Now when I try to register as a new user with TRACES for downloading Form 16B with my Pan Card details it shown my first name, surname or middle or date of birth is incorrect whereas I am using the same names as appeared in Form 26QB through ITD Pan Master. Date of birth is the same as appearing on the Pan Card. What is the solution?

  72. Ankit

    I followed all the steps in the given manner and downloaded the Form 16B which is in zip file. Now when I try to extract the file from this zip file it asks for encrypted password. Can you please help on this? How to get that password?

    1. Raghavendra

      Try using your Date of Birth in DDMMYYYY format, if not try using the PAN number. Let me know if it helps.

  73. Sumit jain


    On 13.03.2014, i made the TDS payment of 1% against the flat that i have purchase from builder. but when i am going to login new user on traces to get form 16B, it shows invalid details.
    Please help me

  74. G M Palkar

    Dear Sir,
    I have paid tds from property on 18/02/14. But still today also I am not able to create user id by providing pan number, DOB, Name & chalan details. What may be the problem? Please help.

    1. RANJEET

      Dear Sir,

      Normally, the error message comes: –

      Details entered by U do not match with the details available with Income Tax department. Please try to fill the data of any additional tax deposited by u thru challan. Please fill the correct mobile no. and email ID. The password will be arriving on that for validation of your data entered.



  76. Hitesh


    Me and my brother have entered into an agreement to sale on Dec 12, 2013 and had paid the vendor some token advance. Now we have fixed our registration date as Feb 24, 2014 where the sale deed would also be entered. In form 26QB, when I key the agreement date as Feb 24, 2014 and the payment to vendor date also as Feb 24, 2014 it doesn¢t accept saying the date cannot be future date.
    Now my query is this- Should I wait till Feb 24th morning and make the remittance and then go for registration, since the sub-registrar will not accept to register unless we show the TDS payment challan. Or should I key the date of agreement and date of payment to vendor as Dec 12, 2013 and make the TDS dating the current date.
    Appreciate if you could help me on this.

    1. RANJEET


      Payment will be allowed only on or after the execution date. As, in your case, it is 24th Feb. Please go to complete the formalities after 24th Feb (Within one week).

  77. V K Khanna

    Recently, I have deducted TDS on purchase of an immovable property worth more than 50 lacs. As per the IT Amendment Act 2013, purchaser needs to deduct 1% TDS on such transaction and also issue form 16B. The steps told by you says that after depositing TDS with the ITD, form 16B can be downloaded only from TRACES website. But when I am trying to register at the website, it is showing invalid details as my date of birth/incorporation register with Income tax department is 01/01/0001 which is at practical terms invalid date. But with the same date, I am already filing my returns for the last several years.

    My problem is that my seller is not giving me credit of TDS deposited with ITD till the time I issue form 16B.

    Please tell me the solution.

    1. RANJEET


      Please fill the date from the calendar given on the right side of the field or fill in the format as 01-Jan-2001. It will definitely accept.

    2. Ranjan Luthra

      Sir – was this problem resolved for you? I am getting the same problem as I’m not able to register to TRACES since my date of incorporation on PAN card is 01/01/0001. Please help if you have a solution

    1. Ram Kumar

      Just do a fast double click with mouse on the file name in Windows Explorer/My Computer or single click the file and click the “Enter” key in keyboard.

  78. Anand Prakash

    I am a NRI. I have made payments for purchase of a flat that is under construction. I deducted TDS against payment of some amount to the builder in Aug 2013. I need to send a signed copy of form 16B to the builder. I am NOT able to access the site from outside India – everytime I get message ” Site not available due to tecgnical reasons”. where as one of my friends tried accessing it from India and he found no such problem. Is the site in-accessible from abroad ? If so then how do I submit the form 16B to the builder ?

      1. rajesh

        But going through this link, we can not get form 16B,only form 26AS is available whereas builders are insisting on form 16B.

  79. Gireesh Thampy

    I am not able to enter my password for new registration. When the characters cross 8 digits it says invalid. How do I register myself in?



  81. Ravi Kumar

    Dear sir

    Could you please provide the contact nos. for us to call and check with the tds cpc office


    Ravi Kumar

  82. Gurumurthy Viswanathan


    I am not able to log into the TRACES website for the past many months.
    Everytime i log in i get the message ‘ Site not available due to technical reasons’. Please help. I need to issue Form16B to by Property Seller. thanks Gurumurthy

    1. Manoj Sahoo

      If your Internet Server is outside India, TDSCPC is assuming you as NRI and diverting to NRIservices link. Please use internet having its server in India, You can access TDSCPC. Or contact your IT to change Internet configuration.

      1. Prithvi

        I am unable to login from my MNC office computer because of this, despite being in India.
        This is such a stupid idea! TDS CPC should provide both the logins in the home page, so that both types of users can login, without depending on what the internet service provider is.

  83. Sachin

    Thanks for such detailed procedure.
    I followed all the steps in the given manner and downloaded the Form 16B which is in zip file. Now when I try to extract the file from this zip file it asks for encrypted passoword. Can you please help on this? How to get that password?

    1. Nishikant Gupta

      Thanks for such detailed procedure.
      I followed all the steps in the given manner and downloaded the Form 16B which is in zip file. Now when I try to extract the file from this zip file it asks for encrypted password. Can you please help on this? How to get that password?


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