Basic provisions relating to due date for payment of TDS

The various items of payment on which tax is to be deducted by the payer has been provided  in Section 192 to 195. The tax deducted by the payer (i.e., a non-Government payer) has to be paid to the credit of the Government as follows:

Tax deducted during the month of April to February should be paid to the credit of the Government on or before 7th  day of the next month.

Example 1: Tax deducted on 25th April, 2019 has to be deposited to Government’s account by 7th of May, 2019
Example 2: Tax deducted on 15th December, 2019 has to be deposited to Government’s account by 7th of January, 2020.

Tax deducted during the month of March should be paid to the credit of the Government on or before 30th of April.

Example: Tax deducted on 15th March, 2019 has to be deposited to Governments account by 30th of April, 2019.

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