Last date of filing of TDS/TCS returns for Q2 of FY:2014-15 – 15th October 2014

Due date for filing of TDS/TCS returns for Quarter 2 of FY:2014-15 is 15th October 2014.

With the introduction of Section 234E, there is now a provision of stringent penalties for delayed filing of TDS returns.

Failure to submit e-TDS Statement on time will result in fees on the deductor.

If you delay or forget to file your e-TDS Statement, fees of Rs. 200 per day will be levied on the deductor, as long as TDS Statement is not filed.

The levied amount of fee is not supposed to exceed the TDS deductibles.

Prior to etds filing, such fee should be paid and it should be reflected in the TDS Statement.

Click here for more details. 

2 thoughts on “Last date of filing of TDS/TCS returns for Q2 of FY:2014-15 – 15th October 2014

  1. Kanchan Bhatt

    Can 24q Q-1 tds return for a/y 2016-17 be filed by any client if he has yet not filed 24q retrn for q-4 of a/y 2015-16?
    If yes then if he failed to file q-1 tds reurn for a/y 2016-17 how much penalty will he had to pay.
    the tds was deducted and deposied on time.

  2. Aarti

    In Mumbai 15.09.2014 was election day so all NSDL office were closed. So how can we file return on time??

    Is there any extended date for maharashtra ???


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